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NGB successful in first round of European Youth Parliament

The NGB has qualified to send a delegation of seven students from years Q1 and Q2 to the regional selection conference of the European Youth Parliament. Our overview of the current state of digital democracy in the EU and our ideas how to develop digital democracy further while keeping up standards of privacy and data protection has convinced the jury of the first round. We are now one of the 26 best schools in Germany who have entered EYP 2021. This means that our delegation will have the chance to debate further European topics with other school delegations as well as international delegates in the Regional Selection Conference from 8-11 April. This event will be held digitally; successful delegations or individual delegates can qualify for the National Selection Conference.

EYP is a platform that allows young Europeans to debate current affairs, meet new people, learn about European politics and make their voices heard. Students must show themselves to think clearly, communicate their ideas in English and prove themselves able to cooperate with others. In recent years, NGB students and delegations qualified for international EYP conferences in places as diverse as Milan, Turku, Vilnius and Yerevan.

Although EYP limits the size of the delegation to seven, all members of our weekly European Politics and Debate Club were involved in our success. In particular, we profited from a handful of committed and diligent students from years 9 and EF who just joined EPDC at the beginning of this school year. EPDC meets in the Europaraum every Friday from 2:30-4:00 and is open to all interested students from years 9 to Q2. Meetings will resume as soon as students from all those years are back at school.

Oliver Fallak, Anna Gutgar, Christina Quindt, Sonja Staroscik
Website of the European Youth Parliament:
Questions regarding EPDC:


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