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NGB Delegation qualifies for Nationals!

Unsere Schuldelegation qualifiziert sich für die Nationale Auswahlsitzung des europäischen Jugendparlaments.

In the last week of the Easter holidays, the Regional Selection Conference of the European Youth Parliament took place – due to the current circumstances in digital form. After four highly challenging days of session and constant exchange, our work and effort paid off. All members of our delegation, as we can now say, delivered a professional performance during the whole conference. So, at the closing ceremony the jury announced that the NGB delegation won a place at the National Selection Conference Germany, which takes place in July. This means that we are one of the ten best schools in Germany who have participated in EYP 2020/21. Additionally, two NGB students were named among the five best delegates of the conference, and we even received an individual invitation to the Slovenian national EYP conference.

Our delegation members are: Ole Weichsel (9C), Victoria Esenwein (Q1), Alexander Lueg (Q1), Emma Spieckermann (Q1), Alexandra Stahl (Q1), Ida Gottmann (Q2) and Matilda Essling-Wintzer (Q2).

We are happy that will get the chance once more to meet other young people from all over Europe. We could not be more excited to make use of our debating skills again and collect valuable experiences both socially as well as in political discussion.

The Regional Conference started with a team-building session, so we could get to know the other delegates socially before working with them in small committees on different topics, e.g. what a European digital vaccination certificate could look like. In our respective committees, we all did our best to get ourselves involved, push the debates forward and contribute new points and ideas in order to develop a convincing resolution.
These Resolutions were then presented and further discussed in the General Assembly, the grand finale of the session, in which all 120 delegates met and voted on them. During GA we took every opportunity to raise new points or defend our resolutions in the several stages of the formal debate. Our preparation really encouraged us here: We were able to impress the jury with our political knowledge and the value and spontaneity of our arguments, whilst always keeping in mind and showing the fun of debating.

The original application which allowed us to participate in the Regional Conference was written during the Friday-Meetings of our European Politics and Debate Club, where we also meticulously practice our debating skills. At EPDC we discuss the different types and structures of speeches and train how to argue eloquently in order to be prepared well for parliament simulations.
EPDC currently meets online, but is nevertheless open for anybody for everybody from years 9-Q1 who is interested in European issues, debating in English or both. If you like to join or have got any questions, please contact a delegation member or Mr Fallak.

Alexandra Pamina Stahl, Emma Spieckermann


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